Glory to Jesus! Bible Bible Study Charity Christian Fellowship Catholic Resources

Treasures of faith

May these materials edify your love and faith in Christ Jesus.

The Sign of Prophet Jonah (Audio) by Dr. Wilder-Smith

The scientist speaks on what being in the stomach of a whale may be like and more

Reading the Bible Slowly (Audio) by Richard Wurmbrand

He was a minister who was arrested and tortured for Christ under the Communism

History of the Christian Church (Audio book) by Eusebius of Caesarea (263 A.D - 339 A.D)

What did the warly Christians live through 1,700 years ago? Listen to the time of Lord Jesus to mid-300 A.D., beliefs, about persecution, and holding fast to the faith.

Silence - Sanctity's Mother Tongue (Audio Part 1) (Audio Part 2) by Mother Cecilia O.S.U.

Am I a chronic complainer? Am I easily distatisfied? Do I have a critical tongue? A daily exercise to enlighten the spirit and control the gift of speech.

PDF text here.

Written for nuns but applicable to us all, especially for ladies.

Love of Christ (Audio) by Corrie Ten Boon

A Dutch Christian ladyduring WWII who helped Jews during the German occupation of Holland. First, read her real life story "The Hiding Place" ... then listen to her speak about her time in prison. It may change your life.

Testimony Part 1 (Audio) and Part 2 (Audio) by Gladys Alyward

You can watch the film "The Inn of Sixth Happiness" then listen to this lady speak about her life and mission in China.

Imitation of Christ (Audio book) by Thomas A Kempis

Translated by Rev. William Benham. (Audio link to webpage) or download from LibriVox to listen. "Imitation" can also mean to "learn from".

Clean Hands, Pure Heart (Audio) by Gerhard Du Toit

A talk by a pastor from South Africa about getting nearer to God.

Changed Heart (Audio) by Mother Baselia Schlink

Of Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary

On Patience (Text) by Tertullian

Learn and grow in the virtue of patience. God is patient.

The Holy War ~ The War for Mansoul (PDF book) by John Bunyan

The war is going on right inside man's heart... for his soul. Amen.

What is my Auhority (Audio) by Richard Wurmbrand

On telling other people about Christ.

On abortion by Stewart Ruch

May we kneel and pray for the mothers, fathers, and for the babies. Pray that we teach modesty, chastity, and sanctity of marriage as God has designed to be good.

💗Learning to Love from Jesus 💗 Modesty 💗 Chastity 💗 Sanctity of Marriage 💗

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